Thursday 7 May 2015

I Keep Having Dreams

Yesterday I finally got the tattoo I've been wanting for years!

Ever since Frank Turner's England Keep My Bones was released in 2011, I have been in love with the song I Am Disappeared. The song has been a reminder to me that if things ever get too much, I don't have to stay. I can get up and I can leave. So I've always wanted that reminder on my skin. And now I finally have it!

This was done by Steve Bates at Imperial Tattoo Company in Bath. I was worried about the design as I hadn't been very specific, but it is absolutely spot on. I'm so happy with it! Already considering adding some swallows around it and just giving up and having a full Frank Turner leg.

Just looking forward to it being nice and healed now so I can use my laptop properly again! And I need to save a ton of money up as I want more tattoos now like crazy.

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